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McLittle Stock / shutterstock.com

This Audio 911 Call Makes Everything Worse for Lloyd Austin

At a time when “World War III” is being bandied about thanks to the actions of the Chinese, Russia, Houthis, and Hamas, you’d think...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Smarmy Mayorkas Threatens House GOP for Moving to Impeach Him

Republicans in Congress ought to take two steps back and ask themselves why the Biden White House, Joe Biden’s cabinet members, the Deep State,...
Elena_Alex_Ferns / shutterstock.com

Maine Taxpayers Pay for Illegals To Have Brand New Apartments

Residents of Brunswick, Maine, consider themselves to be a bit liberal, but this latest waste of taxpayer money for illegals from the state might...
Zhanna Hapanovich / shutterstock.com

Newest Answer for Bidenflation? Part-Time Jobs

Shortly after Joe Biden took over as President, the American economy started taking a turn for the worse. Ensuring our use of fossil fuels...

QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge on the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment may be one of the most controversial aspects of our Constitution, but how much do you really know about this amendment?...
Consolidated News Photos / shutterstock.com

Trump Said It Out Loud: Illegals Are Being Let In To Vote 

Most conservatives had never heard of “The Great Replacement Theory” until liberals pitched it as one of the core beliefs of the MEGA movement....
Bradley Caslin / shutterstock.com

Gaping Hole in Boeing Planes Grounds Max 9 Fleet

On January 6th, Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 took off from Portland International Airport bound for Ontario, California, when the cabin suddenly lost pressure. With...
Juli Hansen / shutterstock.com

Nikki Haley Invites Opponent to “Join Forces” to Defeat Trump

If you know much about the ongoing Republican presidential primary race, you understand that Donald Trump has just about every advantage, including being up...
BearFotos / shutterstock.com

Compton Looters Punch Hole in Bakery and Leave Just the Crumbs

Thanks to a video obtained by LA’s ABC7, a so-called “street takeover” is seen ransacking a Compton, CA mom-and-pop bakery and Mexican store. The...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Finds Out About Impeachment Files Against Him on Air

If you haven’t heard, Joe Biden isn’t the only one facing impeachment proceedings of late. Additionally, it was announced that Department of Homeland Security...