The Benefits of Ivermectin: Why the Left Doesn’t Want You to Know

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In January 2021, researchers from Bengbu Medical College in China published a remarkable peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Pharmacological Research. There was a lot going on in the world at that time, including in China. The paper didn’t cause much of a stir at the time but it should have. The researchers discovered that a cheap, widely accessible drug with an amazing 40-year safety profile is a potential cure for several terrible kinds of cancer, including breast cancer tumors. That drug is called “ivermectin.” Just one year after that paper was published, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publicly declared ivermectin to be “horse paste” and cautioned that only stupid people would ever take it.

Ivermectin was first discovered in 1975 by Satoshi Ōmura in Japan. It was quickly discovered to have broad uses for a variety of ailments in veterinary medicine, including a paste that acts as a horse dewormer. But it was so good at killing parasitic diseases in animals that it was approved for human trials a few years later. It worked great!

The medicine is derived from soil. It’s so cheap and easy to make that billions of doses were quickly distributed to tropical Third World nations. Doctors started giving it out like candy at Halloween for a huge range of diseases. Ivermectin wiped out a condition called “river blindness.” In pill form, it cures parasitic diseases like strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, lymphatic filariasis, and other stuff that spell check doesn’t even recognize. In the topical form, it gets rid of head lice and scabies.

In 2015, Dr. Ōmura and his partner William Campbell from Merck were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery and distribution of ivermectin. It was one of the great miracle discoveries of the 20th century.

Then, along came COVID-19.

Doctors had been prescribing ivermectin off-label for a variety of things for years before COVID because it’s so safe and cheap. As the world was scrambling for a cure for the coronavirus, some doctors in the US and Europe figured they might as well try ivermectin. It couldn’t hurt.

Sure enough, it worked!

The FDA immediately began attacking anyone who recommended it as a cheap and effective alternative to the mRNA COVID vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Ivermectin is “horse paste,” you stupid hillbilly Americans. Only an idiot would take horse dewormer for a respiratory infection. That was the message. Social media companies quickly followed the orders of the federal government and started censoring doctors who told success stories about ivermectin and COVID.

So why the furious backlash against the widely used miracle drug ivermectin that cures everything from rosacea to cancer?

Operation Warp Speed.

The COVID vaccines, which turned out to have a horrible safety profile and that killed a lot of people, were only allowed to be rushed to market under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Federal law states that you can’t use an experimental medical treatment like the Pfizer/Moderna shots under an EUA if a cheap and effective alternative is already available.

If the world had discovered that ivermectin cured COVID, the EUA for the mRNA vaccines would have been immediately suspended. Diarrhea is about the worst side effect that you can get from ivermectin. Pfizer lists “death” as one of more than 1,400 known adverse effects of its so-called vaccine.

If ivermectin had been truthfully portrayed as a cure for the coronavirus, Pfizer and Moderna’s record-setting profits would have dried up immediately. The FDA protected the profit margins of Big Pharma by demonizing a cheap and effective miracle drug called ivermectin. It’s really that simple.