Biden’s Legal Team Asks for More Time—Shocker, It’s After the Election

Mehaniq /

The Department of Justice just informed America First Legal (AFL), a group suing for Joe Biden’s vice-presidential records, that Biden’s lawyers have asked for an extension. And when will these records be released? Right after the 2024 election. Shocking, right?

Let’s rewind a bit. AFL has been trying to obtain Joe Biden’s vice-presidential records since 2022. They’re specifically interested in communications that could reveal some details about Hunter and James Biden’s business deals during Joe Biden’s time as vice president. But, surprise, surprise—delays keep happening. The National Archives and Biden’s administration seem to be dragging their feet.

A few documents have trickled out, though, and what they reveal is pretty interesting. One key finding? During his time as vice president, Joe Biden used a private email account to conduct official government business. But it wasn’t just personal stuff—it turns out there was direct communication between Biden’s office and Hunter Biden’s business team. In particular, this was about how to handle media questions. You’d think they’d be more careful about mixing family business with government duties, but here we are.

With the election approaching fast, things have gotten even more complicated. Biden and Obama’s lawyers have decided to invoke the Presidential Records Act, which basically means more delays. This move blocks any additional records from being released until after the election. Convenient timing, isn’t it?

AFL is not happy about this and took it to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express its frustration. According to them, Biden’s Department of Justice, his personal lawyers, and even Obama’s legal team are all working together to hide these records. The legal basis for this delay comes from the Presidential Records Act, specifically, a section known as 44 U.S.C. § 2208(a)(3)(B), for those who like the legal nitty-gritty. What does that mean in simple terms? We won’t be seeing any more of Biden’s vice-presidential emails until November 6, 2024, the day after the election.

What’s so important in these emails? According to AFL, the messages being blocked include communications with James Biden (Joe’s brother), a company called Lion Hall, and Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca. There are also some photos of a White House visit involving James Biden and discussions about Joe Biden’s tax forms and financial disclosures for 2015. The timing of these messages is interesting, to say the least.

Here’s the big question: what’s being hidden? These records could shed light on Biden family business dealings, yet they’re being kept under wraps until voters have made their decisions. It’s hard not to see this as a stalling tactic. If there’s nothing damaging in those emails, why not release them now? The timing seems all too perfect, almost like it’s been designed to keep voters in the dark until it’s too late to matter.

AFL has also initiated legal proceedings against the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), alleging that it has concealed records regarding political appointees within the agency. This lawsuit is part of AFL’s wider effort to find individuals who are carrying out the Biden-Harris agenda within federal organizations.

The group has submitted Freedom of Information Act requests and lawsuits to obtain these records for publication in their interactive database, the Woke Wagon. They are focused on obtaining the resumes and qualifications of appointees as AFL seeks transparency regarding those involved in promoting what they describe as a radical “equity” agenda.

At the end of the day, we’re left with a bunch of documents that could reveal more about the Bidens’ business connections, but they’re tied up in legal delays.  And let’s face it—by the time November 6 rolls around, the damage (or lack thereof) will be done, and these delayed records will just be another forgotten footnote in the saga of political maneuvering.