Smith Thinks New J6 Charges Are a “Gotcha,” But Anticipated Bombshell Report Blows Narrative Sky High 

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October surprises, those revelations that could swing an election to one candidate over another, are nothing new. Only the deliberate misdirection and coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020 kept the sordid affair under the radar and kept it from upending Biden’s campaign.  

For 2024, Special Counsel Jack Smith released a new filing of charges against former President Donald Trump over his alleged “criminal activities” during the January 6, 2021, protest at the Capitol building. As expected, it is a lengthy document that mischaracterizes every word and action of Trump before, during, and after the event. 

Democrats were salivating over the opportunity for the public release of Smith’s “newly recycled” evidence, hoping it would derail Trump’s campaign permanently. It is, once again, an overreach that will not impact Trump’s campaign. The country has been there before; frankly, they no longer care. It’s been overplayed for nearly four years. 

It’s hardly the October surprise Democrats had intended, but something is waiting in the wings that just might be. And Democrats are desperate to hide it. 

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, warning him of “consequences” if it’s discovered that the Department of Justice (DOJ) interfered with the release of its Inspector General’s report on the DOJ’s actions on January 6. 

The discovery that federal agents, specifically “confidential human sources” (CHS), were present on Capitol grounds during the January 6, 2021, events is now a key piece of evidence that challenges the media and government’s version of the day’s events. 

 Meanwhile, blocks away from the Capitol, Trump is facing federal charges related to election interference, with part of the case connected to claims that he somehow played a role in the Capitol events. 

In his letter, co-singed by ten Republican lawmakers, Massie reminds Garland that, during his June 4, 2024, testimony, Garland said that Inspector General Horowitz is “independent” and that he is responsible for deciding whether to release the Inspector General’s reports. 

On September 25, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz told the House Weaponization Committee that the DOJ is delaying the draft report’s release. 

His investigation was already paused during Speaker Pelosi’s House Select Committee hearings on January 6. He resumed it in 2023. 

The DOJ has been dragging out prosecutions leading up to the 2024 election, with several new cases occurring in recent months—more than three and a half years after January 6. 

During the September 25 hearing, Horowitz confirmed that his draft report would include information about confidential human sources. He indicated his report has “bombshell” information that would ultimately unravel the tapestry of lies spun by Democrats regarding that day. 

Massie questioned Horowitz about how many confidential human sources entered the Capitol on January 6. FBI rules prevent these sources from breaking the law, including entering the Capitol, unless they have written permission. 

Horowitz mentioned that he would include that information in the report but said he didn’t know yet what is classified and what isn’t. 

Massie also asked how many confidential human sources were reimbursed for travel related to January 6. Horowitz said he couldn’t remember the number but then suddenly insisted that he wouldn’t be able to share that information even if he did know. 

The FBI is part of the DOJ, ultimately deciding what information is classified. 

Horowitz said he wants to release his report soon but doesn’t think it will come out before the election.  

Massie knows that partisan politics is at play. After the hearing, he posted on X that Horowitz said the number of confidential human sources wouldn’t be known before the election. He suggested that the Biden-Harris administration doesn’t want the federal involvement on January 6 to be revealed. 

In his letter to Garland, Massie warned that Congress would hold Garland or anyone in the Department responsible if they tried to delay or interfere with the report’s release.  

Despite threats, the report is unlikely to be released before the election. The evidence it contains would vindicate Trump and throw the Harris-Biden administration under the bus. 

The Democratic spin machine is out in full force. With no one standing in their way, the truth will not come out until long after the election, much like the Hunter Biden laptop story. Even if released, Americans can expect a new flurry of censorship to cover up the report’s findings.