Kamala Harris’ Equity Dream: The Socialist Trap That Will Destroy America’s Future

Isaac Hoops / shutterstock.com

Kamala Harris loves to talk about the difference between equality and equity. According to her, equality of opportunity just doesn’t cut it. Even the idea of socialist equality, where everyone starts at the same level, isn’t good enough. She has pushed the idea of equity as a policy of redistribution—where everyone ends up in the same place, no matter where they start. She’s been quoted saying that equality is flawed because “not everybody’s starting in the same place.” For her, equity is the magic solution: “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”

This might sound nice to someone who’s struggled in life or faced disadvantages due to their background. But anyone who understands even a little bit about the economy knows this idea is laughable. Harris’ vision might appeal to those who believe equality of opportunity isn’t enough, but they should take a step back and think about how these policies will ultimately harm them the most.

Here’s the deal: when everyone is forced to start and end in the same place, we all end up worse off. Well, not everyone—politicians and government elites who decide where we start and end somehow end up with lots of wealth. Funny how that works, huh?

Starting at the same place isn’t just unfair; it’s a disaster waiting to happen. And forcing everyone to end in the same place? That’s a catastrophe. Picture this: families who have saved and worked hard for their children’s future lose everything because the government decides to “level the playing field.” Sure, you might think the government will take care of you, but when you give politicians the power to decide what you need, they also get to decide what you don’t need. And trust me, they’ll make sure they keep a good chunk of the wealth for themselves.

By stripping away the incentive to work hard, save, and thrive, these policies destroy the very wealth needed to fuel social programs in the first place. Meanwhile, the government elite keeps getting richer. Eventually, the only thing they’ll be redistributing is misery.

When Harris pushes her equity agenda, she’s showing her true colors. She’s endorsing a neo-Marxist ideology while pretending to be a capitalist—something she’s recently claimed to counter criticism about her socialist leanings.

Let’s be real: capitalism and free markets can’t function when the government controls the starting and ending points for everyone. Neo-Marxism loves to simplify things—just get everyone to start and finish at the same place, and voilà, everything is fair! Except, if everyone knows they’re going to end up in the same place, why bother trying at all? Imagine if athletes knew they couldn’t win because they’d all tie at the end. Why would they even try to compete? That’s exactly what Harris’ equity plan would do—destroy any chance of winning, progress, or even motivation to try.

And here’s the real kicker:  the people who will suffer the most will be poor and middle class. Meanwhile, government officials will keep raking in the cash. Harris’ dream of equity has been a nightmare in every socialist economy, leading to nothing but oppression, misery, and poverty.

Equality isn’t fair, and equity is impossible. Demanding either just leads to worse outcomes for everyone.

When you let the government decide where everyone starts and finishes, you’re giving them the power to control every aspect of your life. Politicians don’t know your needs better than you do, and they sure don’t know how to run an entire economy. And when their disastrous policies lead to dissatisfaction, guess what? The government will respond with repression—for your own good, of course.

Harris’ vision of equity, the one where everyone ends up in the same place, is a fairy tale that can only be achieved through a tyrannical, repressive state. Despite her claims of being a capitalist, her entire economic approach is based on government control and intervention. In a recent CNBC interview, she avoided answering questions about price controls, which have ruined economies in the past. Instead, she blamed “a few companies profiting from desperation.”

What America really needs is more free markets, competition, and rewarding success. If we start down Harris’ path of neo-Marxist social engineering, it won’t be long before the real desperation sets in, and only those living in privilege could believe that the wealth and opportunities in America will remain untouched after the incentives to succeed have been completely wiped out.

Kamala Harris keeps pushing her message of equality of outcome, and you can bet she’ll try to implement these policies if given the chance. No matter how much she tries to tone down her rhetoric, her vision is clear— and it’s a vision that leads straight to economic disaster.