Amazon Censored Vaccine Books at Biden Administration’s Request 

Every time Americans think they understand the depths of the Biden administration’s war on free speech, another level is revealed. This time, online retail giant Amazon is implicated.  Internal emails from Amazon, revealed by House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, show that the company created a “Do Not Promote” category for vaccine-related books after receiving orders […]

Trump Allies Looking for Hostile Roadblocks to Second Term Agenda

Analogvibestudio /
If you listen to Team Biden, “Democracy is at stake.” And for once, Biden isn’t lying, nor is he exaggerating. Democracy is at stake in 2024, and Trump’s allies are looking to remove potential roadblocks that seek to prevent him from moving his agenda forward if he wins a second term. A Trump victory would […]

6 Reasons for Democrats to Worry: SCOTUS Rulings Still Pending

Orhan Cam /
Well, folks, here we are, waiting for the Supreme Court to drop the rest of their decisions for the term. They’ve got until the end of June, so time’s running out. We’ve got some vast rulings coming our way, and it’s time we get some answers. Let’s dive into what’s on the docket. First up, […]

Biden’s Border Band-Aid: 25% Decline in Illegal Immigrants—Too Little, Too Late?

Aaron Wells /
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials recently announced a 25% decrease in illegal immigrant apprehensions at the U.S.–Mexico border following President Joe Biden’s new asylum cap. Well, it’s about time something happened! After all, this administration has been notoriously sluggish in addressing the border crisis. On June 4, Biden issued a proclamation that caps […]

How Phantom Jobs Are Sabotaging Job Seekers

Zerbor /
The complex and often frustrating hiring processes have taken a deceptive turn in today’s job market. Companies are posting fake job openings online to appear as though they’re growing, keeping current employees motivated, and maintaining a pool of future candidates—without any intention of hiring them. This underhanded tactic, commonly known as “ghost posting,” affects 43 […]

Trans Lobby Demolishes Freedom of Speech on TikTok

Wasn’t TikTok making the argument that it’s a free speech platform about five minutes ago when Congress was considering banning it? Looks like that’s over. A clothing brand that defends biological women’s rights in sports has had its advertisements permanently banned from TikTok so as not to offend the Hairy Men in Dresses Lobby. TikTok […]

Call it Treason, Call it a Soft Insurrection, Call it the Democratic Plan to Cripple a Trump Presidency 

dizain /
A broad coalition of Democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups, and former Republicans is making extensive preparations in case Donald Trump wins a second presidential term. They are united by concerns that his return to power could seriously endanger their policy goals and the “foundations of American democracy.”  But mostly their policy goals.  It’s a […]

ATF Agents Cleared in Citizen’s Brutal Early Morning Murder Over Paperwork Discrepancies 

BreizhAtao /
The brutal ATF murder of Bryan Malinowski proves that paperwork errors aren’t just inconvenient. They can be deadly.  Malinowski’s ordeal started when ATF agents issued search warrants for paperwork violations, which should have been resolved peacefully during daytime office hours in a perfect world. However, ATF officers conducted a heavily armed raid at Malinowski’s home […]

Biden Wins, Ethics Legislation Loses 

Jonah Elkowitz /
In another “do as I say, not as I do” moment of breathtaking hypocrisy, the Biden administration has been working behind the scenes to derail legislation designed to create accountability in government. The Presidential Ethics Reform Act would require that presidents and vice presidents reveal any foreign payments, loan deals, and tax returns from two […]

Federal Transgender Title IX Rule Blocked Again – Even Judges Say ‘Not So Fast, Biden’

angellodeco /
The Biden administration’s controversial Title IX transgender rule has hit another roadblock. A federal judge issued an order temporarily pausing the rule in six states. The new regulation, which redefines “sex” to include “gender identity,” has sparked widespread outrage for allowing biological males who identify as female to access girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms. U.S. […]

It’s an Election Year, So Fake Republican Paul Ryan is Enraging His Own Party Again

Christopher Halloran /
Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan enraged Republican voters this week by using his so-called “conservative principles” to trash Donald Trump. During an interview with the Trump-hating Neil Cavuto on Fox News, Ryan revealed that he won’t be voting for his own party’s nominee in November. This infuriated at least one GOP congressman to […]

Trump’s Defense Dismisses Gag Order: No Affidavits, No Case

Potashev Aleksandr /
Not a single FBI agent involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid dared to submit an affidavit or even make an argument, Trump’s attorneys pointed out. That should tell you all you need to know about the so-called evidence backing up special counsel Jack Smith’s gag order request in Trump’s classified documents case. Former President Trump’s legal […]

Increasing Need for Financial Therapists Is the Next Wave of Stupidity In Biden’s America - Yuri A /
Anxieties are rising across the nation in nearly every facet of daily life. If Americans aren’t being convinced to worry about the climate, they are being coerced into believing they are racist, homophobic, in mortal danger from a former president, and financially better off than their bank accounts indicate. Fear-mongering has been the basis of […]

How Much is Your Vote Worth? $500 a Month, if You Qualify 

Muhammad Aamir Sumsum /
Leave it to the Democrats to devise a new way to sway voters ahead of the 2024 election. As the country teeters on financial collapse, Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) have proposed a new plan to drive it right over the cliff.  The Guaranteed Additional Income for Families in Need (GAIN) Act […]

Trump Vows to Ban All Taxes on Service Industry Tips

J.J. Gouin /
President Donald Trump made a bombshell announcement during his latest high-energy rally in Las Vegas, NV. He says that one of the first things he’s going to do when he gets back in office is end all taxes on the tips paid to service industry workers. It was one of the most popular proposals he […]