We all know there’s a serious problem at our southern border. Hell, even Democratic President Joe Biden has to admit as much if he’s got any shot at winning a reelection. And yet, some apparently think the only problem is the border itself.
Enter Tijuana, Mexico’s mayor Montserrat Caballero.
According to her, walls, specifically America’s southern border, are a problem because they attempt to draw a line between two separate countries.
This was made evident recently when Caballero, along with former Mexican foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard, set up a piece of the Berlin Wall within sight of the US border in Tijuana. A plaque that reads, “May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges,” is posted alongside the wall.
The message is clear: Caballero and Ebrard don’t like walls and divisions, associating them with “bloodied nations.”
There’s just one problem – well, a few actually.
First is the idea that the Berlin Wall could somehow compare to that of the border wall Trump began to build on national borders. If anyone with a fifth-grade history education knows, the Berlin Wall split a single nation in two. So unless Caballero thinks her city is part of the US, then she’s wildly off base.
Secondly, the move vividly points to a problematic leftist theory, the one that somehow thinks national borders aren’t important. Mayor Caballero realizes that there isn’t a nation without borders, right?
Besides, it’s not like this lame attempt at getting some attention will change anything. I mean, what does she really expect to accomplish with this? The White House is already on her side, and those who know of the border’s problems firsthand aren’t going to change their minds just because a piece of old concrete is erected within eyesight…
Nice job accomplishing nothing.