Following in Hunter Biden’s footsteps, former Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo has taken a fat board position for what will likely amount to another no-show job in Ukraine. He’ll be on the Board of Directors for a major Ukrainian cellphone company, despite the fact that Pompeo has literally never had any experience with a cellphone company—ever. But whatever! Tens of billions of American taxpayer dollars are just falling out of the pockets of corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs and generals, and it’s all got to end up somewhere!
We’ll give a little bit of credit where credit is due when it comes to Mike Pompeo. He appears to have been a mostly loyal CIA Director and Secretary of State for Donald Trump. This is despite the fact that Pompeo has always been a bloodthirsty neocon in the vein of Nikki Haley and Dick Cheney. It couldn’t have been easy for Pompeo to work in foreign policy positions for an America First administration—but he did it and did it fairly well.
Pompeo also didn’t fall for the siren song of RINO cash that tried to lure him into the 2024 Republican primary to challenge his old boss (unlike a certain unnamed governor of Florida who poured gasoline all over his political career and has been lighting matches ever since). Mike Pompeo was smart enough to know that he didn’t stand a chance of challenging Donald Trump.
However, Swamp Creatures are always lured back to the Swamp eventually. Pompeo has now taken a position for which he has no qualifications whatsoever in the most corrupt majority-white country on the planet—just like Hunter Biden did with natural gas company Burisma.
Telecom giant Veon has announced that Mike Pompeo will be the company’s new board member for its subsidiary cellphone company Kievstar. Pompeo will serve as an “an independent non-executive director”—whatever that is.
Kaan Terzioglu, the CEO of Veon, praised Mike Pompeo for his “knowledge and experience” of the cellphone business that he brings to the table. Huh?
What knowledge and experience is that?
Mike Pompeo drove a tank in the US Army. While that’s impressive, it ain’t running one of the largest cellphone companies in Eastern Europe. After the Army, he worked for an aerospace company (still not cellphones) for ten years before running for Congress. He served as a Republican Representative for Kansas in the US Congress from 2011 to 2017 (about as far from “knowledge and experience” as one can get).
In 2017, he became President Trump’s CIA Director for about a year before making a lateral move to become Secretary of State in 2018. You might notice that there’s no mention at all of a single cellphone company in Mike Pompeo’s entire career. But that’s not how the Swamp operates. Not in Washington, DC, and definitely not in Ukraine. You don’t need no stinkin’ experience to run a cellphone company!
Here’s a true story about the Swamp in DC that many people find hard to believe. In 2006, Republican President George W. Bush nominated crackhead Hunter Biden to serve as the Vice Chairman of the Board at Amtrak. During his Senate confirmation hearing, Hunter said that his experience riding the train with his dad when he was a child qualified him to serve on the board. The US Senate approved him unanimously and Hunter served a five-year term on the board.
These company board positions are often simply a money laundering and bribery scheme for people in the Swamp. Mike Pompeo might not even know how to use a cellphone, but he’s getting paid to run a cellphone company! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a job like that?