DeSantis Gives Strange Message Targeting His Own Party

Aaron of L.A. Photography /
Aaron of L.A. Photography /

As you’ve likely come to expect, Florida Governor and GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis isn’t afraid of turning a few heads, even in his own party. This time, he’s done it as part of his announcement for getting on the Colorado primary ballot.

It happened on Friday when his name’s addition to the Colorado GOP primary ballot was made official. DeSantis, like most candidates, might have posted about such one way or the other. But as his post showcases, the state of Colorado actually requires such.

In a clear mockery of that rule, he wrote, the “state party requires that candidates post something on social media that announces their excitement while encouraging their followers to follow the state party’s social media accounts about the state party primary and events.”

Then he added, “I’m excited to officially be on the ballot for the Colorado primary!”

Now, to be sure, DeSantis is likely “excited” to be on the ballot. It’s proof that he’s not out of the race yet, despite being down by about 50 percentage points in comparison to Donald Trump.

However, he’s taken a strange way to show it. Clearly, it’s more of a joke than anything else – a way to poke fun at the establishment and its oh-so-many rules and regulations.

Of course, it also one-upped GOP opponent Vivek Ramaswamy, who announced his ballot success in Colorado the day before.

While professional, Ramaswamy’s announcement seems un-notable compared to DeSantis’.

So, it’s a two-for-one kind of move. But it’s still not likely to get him the win he needs.

As I mentioned, Trump is still way, way ahead on just about every level.

Now, it should be noted that Trump is currently in the midst of a trial that could remove him from Colorado’s primary ballot, making a DeSantis win much more likely. However, the allegations (accusing Trump of inciting insurrection) may not stick.

And that means DeSantis won’t really have a prayer, especially if he continues to poke fun at his own party.