Court Supports MS School Refusal To Play Make Believe With “Woman” at HS Graduation

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A 17-year-old man who was only identified by the initials “L.B.” in his court filings tried and failed to sue Gulfport, MS High School. Identifying himself as a “woman,” he claims to have been called inside Harrison Central High School Principal Kelly Fuller’s office to discuss what he planned on wearing to graduation.

Upon telling Fuller he would be wearing a dress, he was told he would not be allowed to attend or walk in a dress, with the Superintendent planning on following up. Given L.B.’s allegations of being referred to and dressing as a girl every day she attended that school, it’s a wonder the school put up with it for so long. On May 17th, his parents Samantha and Harry Brown filed a lawsuit demanding he be allowed to dress as a girl for graduation.

Not even 24 hours later, court was held, and the judge denied their motion to permit a skirt and heels for him at graduation.

Given Samantha’s statement that the principal explained to her and L.B. that the policy for dress code at school is different than the one for graduation. Per the Harrison County School District’s graduation dress code: “Students are expected to wear dress shoes, dress clothes (dresses or dressy pant-suit for girls and dress pants, shirt, and tie for the boys).”

According to Samantha, they thought L.B. was following the rules all along by dressing with the school’s dress code for girls.

Yet, the district explained to them in a pre-written policy that graduations are a formal event and have a lot of special ceremonies and reverence to them. The pomp and circumstance involved in such an event mean things need to be handled a specific way, and unlike regular class, certain standards must be met.

Good for Harrison Central High School, and good for the judge. Forcing people to watch others play make-believe is horrific and one of the signs of the downfall of an empire.